

The Regal-Gedackt is a two-register positive which has its origins in the two-manual table organs by the French organ-builder Jean-Baptiste Micot (1712-1784). It is thanks to his genius as instrument-builder that Regals enjoyed a late flowering in France while in other countries they had already lost much of their significance. They are well-known to organ-builders because Dom Bedos, in his treatise on organ-building gives an extensive introduction and description of these instruments.

In contrast to the historical model, the Gedackt register of the first manual is designed as 8', and correspondingly, the Regal of the second manual as 16'. Due to the wide range of 61 notes from C to o4, versatility is gained by transposing both registers. Both Regal and Gedackt can be played with strong and open sound or, by using lids can be muted.. There is a manual coupler from II to I.

The lay-out of the instrument and its voicing are designed to make it as sustainable and expressive as possible, such that it can function in larger spaces solistically or as continuo.

The reeds have thinned tongues in the style of historical tongues and are so voiced that the tuning remains stable and so re-tuning is not necessary during a concert.

A specially-designed cooler considerably reduces over-heating of the blower.

The contract for the building of this organ was awarded by the Landesbühnen Sachsen in Radebeul near Dresden.



YouTube cannel

Regalgedackt -Eine etwas andere Orgelprobe 
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