


Strasbourg 12-13 Novembre 2022

Improvisation 3000€

Interprétation 3000€

→ Competition rules

→ Application

1st International Competition of Music Execution “Antonio Benedetti” for 4-hand organ and formations with obligatory organ

The Competition will take place in Tricesimo Cathedral (UD) – Italy from 31st August to 4th September 2022.

More Information


→ Application

→ Competition rules


Associazione Culturale

Accademia Organistica Udinese A.P.S.

Via Ribis n. 62 - Adegliacco

33010 Tavagnacco (UD)

C. F. 94105470309 | P. I.V.A. 02598030308 | pec:

Tel. +39 338 1670798, +39 340 5077253


13. - 15. September 2022


Der 6. Internationale Orgel-Gesangs-Wettbewerb findet in der Zeit vom 13. bis 15. September statt.

Er ist Bestandteil der 60. Kirchenmusikwoche, die in der Zeit vom 10. bis 18. September 2022 in Neuss veranstaltet wird.



Kantorin Katja Ulges-Stein (Vorsitz)

Münsterkantor Joachim Neugart

Prof. Mechthild Georg

Prof. Michaela Krämer

Prof. Stefan Palm

Kulturamtsleiter Dr. Benjamin Reissenberger



1. Preis 3.000 EUR | 2. Preis 1.500 EUR | 3. Preis 1.000 EUR

Publikumspreis 500 EUR


Den ersten Preisträger*innen wird eine Konzertverpflichtung im Rahmen der nächsten 61. Kirchenmusikwoche 2024 in Aussicht gestellt.


Anmeldeschluss ist der 31. Juli 2022


Anmeldung / Info:

Mehr erfahren


So erreichen Sie uns:

Kulturamt der Stadt Neuss

Oberstraße 17

41460 Neuss

02131 - 904101

Bad Homburg (D) Wettbewerb für junge Organisten

Thursday, 22.9.2022, 11.00 a.m., St. Mary's



Dr. Andreas Bomba

Susanne Rohn

Dr. Helmut Föller

Bernhard Schmitz-Bernard

Prof. Stefan Viegelahn


Sponsorship awards for young organists from the Rotary Bad Homburg Schloss-Stiftung:

1. Preis: 2.000 Euro

2. Preis: 1.500 Euro

3. Preis: 1.000 Euro


Winning the first prize includes an invitation to give a concert in the Schlosskirche Bad Homburg in 2023, which will be organised by the Arbeitskreis Orgelfestival.


Concert of the 2022 Laureates for the Audience Award

Friday, 23.9.2022, 7.30 p.m., St. Mary's


The audience award of the Rotary Bad Homburg Schloss-Stiftung is again endowed with 1,500.00 euros.

Information and conditions of participation


24 – 29 October 2022


Submit your registration until 17 June 2022


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International Kaija Saariaho Organ Composition Competition (FIN)

21 Jul 2021 - 29 Oct 2022

The International Kaija Saariaho Organ Composition Competition celebrates Musiikkitalo’s new and unparalleled Rieger concert organ.

The competition will produce new and interesting solo organ works and concertos for organ and symphony orchestra and promote cooperation among organists, composers, and orchestras. The competition has three series: concertos for organ and symphony orchestra, works for chamber orchestra and organ, and solo organ works.

The new works will be performed at concerts throughout the organ’s opening year in 2024. The Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra and the Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra will perform the concertos together with an organist. Ensembles and musicians (whose names will be published later) will perform the chamber orchestra and solo organ works.

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9ème concours d'orgue international d'orgue Pierre de Manchicourt 2022

20.000€ de Prix

Date limite d’inscription: 1er juillet

Finale Béthune: 26 septembre

Finale Nièlles-les-Ardres: 28 septembre

Finale Saint-Omer: 30 septembre

Jury : Bernard Foccroulle, Thomas Ospital, Sophie-Véronique Choplin, Véronique Le Guen, Léon Berben, Henry Fairs, Johann Vexo, Benjamin Steens, Arnaud De Pasquale, Vincent Paulet

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Köln (D) Trinitatiskirche - Orgelimprovisationswettbewerb

from 13 to 15 September 2022

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Schramberg (D) Internationale Orgelkonzerte – Orgelwettbewerb 2022

International Organ Competition May 18-27, 2022

6th Schramberg Eberhard Friedrichb Walcker Prize

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Pennsylvania (USA) International Organ Competition for young organists

may 2022


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Lübeck (D) 6. Internationaler Buxtehude-Orgelwettbewerb 2022

23.09. bis 1.10.2022

Internationaler Orgelwettbewerb in drei Runden, organisiert von der Musikochschule Lübeck und der Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg für bis zu 20 Teilnehmende an den Orgeln in Lübeck (St. Jakobi: Stellwagen-Orgel, Richborn-

Positiv), Hamburg (St. Katharinen: Flentrop-Orgel) und Mölln (St. Nicolai: Scherer-Bünting-Orgel).



1. Preis: 8.000 Euro - 2. Preis: 5.000 Euro - 3. Preis: 3.000 Euro

Jeder Finalist, erhält ein "Finalistendiplom". Die Jury ist nicht verpflichtet, Preise zu vergeben. Die Preise können nicht geteilt, aber doppelt vergeben werden. Die Entscheidungen der Jury sind unanfechtbar.


Internationale Jury

Auswahlrunde: Franz Danksagmüller, Johannes Unger, Wolfgang Zerer

Wettbewerb: Edoardo Bellotti, Bine Bryndorf, Pieter van Dijk, Arvid Gast, Jon Laukvik (Vorsitz), Jean-Baptiste Robin, Krzysztof Urbaniak und Andreas Fischer (Semifinale Hamburg/Mölln), Matthias Neumann (3. Runde),

Claus Fischer (Musikjournalist, 3. Runde)


Anmeldefrist 1. Juni 2022


Rheinberger-Wettbewerb – Internationaler Rheinberger Wettbewerb für Orgel 2022

The Rheinberger Competition will take place from September 26 to October 1, 2022 in Bad Ragaz (CH), in Gams (CH) and in Vaduz (FL).

Registration deadline: June 1, 2022

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Haarlem (NL) 16. Internationaler César Franck Wettbewerb 2022, Dom und Basilika St. Bavo, Haarlem

The 16th International César Franck Competition will take place on October 4, 6, and 8, 2022. Due to the 200th anniversary of César Franck's birth, only compositions by him are on the competition program.

The jury is composed of the following members:
Michel BOUVARD (Toulouse/Parijs, France), Étienne WALHAIN (Tournai, Belgium), and Marcel VERHEGGEN (Maastricht, Netherlands).

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Atlanta (USA) Elizabeth B. Stephens International Organ Competition

Atlanta june 2022, 15 - 17


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V. International Young Organist Competition ONLINE

January 31 - February 6, 2022

Organizing committee of the competition:
121069 Russia, Moscow, Merzlyakovsky lane, 11

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Organizing Committee decided to hold the Fifth International Young Organist Competition in 2022 in an ONLINE format.

1st International Feith Organ Competition

More info + registration (until 31.03.2022):

Dr. Hans Feith and Dr. Elisabeth Feith-Stiftung
Tel.: +49 6894 5823262

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9th Franz Schmitt Organ Competition

From September 13 to 21, 2022 the
9th International Franz Schmidt Organ Competition will take place.

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Paul-Hofhaimer-Wettbewerb Innsbruck 2022

20th Organ Competition for the PAUL-HOFHAIMER-PRIZE
of the Provincial Capital Innsbruck
02. until 08. September 2022

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International Martini Organ Competition Groningen

July 31 - August 6, 2022
International competition
on the most beautiful historical organs of Groningen

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Deutscher Musikwettbewerb 2022 ORGEL

7 - 19 March 2022 in Bonn

Registration deadline November 11, 2021

Participation is open to professional musicians up to the age of approx. 30 years with German citizenship or special focus of life in Germany.


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